A weekly roundup of craft, design, and business related news and links:
CraftyPod #116: Making Ideas Happen, with Scott Belsky – A must listen podcast about the intersection of creativity and productivity.
Chris Guillebeau: Balanced People Don’t Change the World – The key to profiting from your business isn’t balance, it’s prioritization.
Making your creative business fly (advice from a woman who knows) – Fantastic interview with Kathy Heslop about the importance of understanding business fundamentals.
3 Cheapskates and How to Respond – Great advice on dealing with requests for discounts and freebies.
The how of “how I do it all” is that I don’t – Tara talks about why running a successful business is more important than doing the dishes.
Top 10 biz ladies mistakes – How many are you making?
Wow! Great blog lineup this weekend!
I especially liked the blog post on responding to top 3 cheap requests. One thing that gets me down is when crafters ask other crafters for discounts!!! To me, there is an unspoken ethics involved where of all people crafters shouldn’t be expecting other crafters- even from other genres- to provide discounts or free samples. In some situations even trades might be acceptable, but I would think only when has established a relationship. Even then I would hesitate to pay anything but a list price for what a crafter makes. Same goes for the industries that surround crafting such as independent: website developers, suppliers, advertisers, graphic artists, etc.
Faith – So true. I think that’s its important for us to respect the time of designers, web developers, and all those others. If expect people to pay us well for our time, we need to extend that same consideration to others.