read any good books lately?

I’m headed to the beach later next week, and you can bet my Kindle will be getting a good workout while I’m there.  Now I know I’m usually the one recommending books, but I thought I’d turn it around and ask you for your recommendations.

Read anything good lately?
Or is there anything you’re dying to read but haven’t had a chance yet?

And you know me, I’m looking specifically for business-related books.  (Or other relevant non-fiction.)

Because that’s my idea of relaxing.


  1. A girl after my own heart! I read biz books on vacation too, although this time I’m trying something new and taking some historical fiction, “Wideacre” by Phillippa Gregory.

    Here are some of my favorite business titles:
    “Authentic Conversations” by Jamie and Maren Showkeir
    “A Whole New Mind: Why Right-Brainers Will Rule the Future” by Danial Pink
    “Blogging for Bliss” by Tina Frey
    “First, Break All the Rules:What the World’s Greatest Managers Do Differently” and it’s companion book “Strengthsfinder” (includes and online strengths test)

  2. I am reading, “Ignore Everybody and 39 Other Keys to Creativity”, by Hugh MacLeod. It’s a good read. I am flying through it. Chapters are short and sweet, and Interesting. When you posted yesterday’s topic about “Not quitting your day job” I had just finished that chapter in his book about the same thing. Great minds think alike!

  3. I know this one may already be on your radar (I think a bunch of people mentioned it on your Biz Ladies book post), but ‘The Boss of You’ by Lauren Bacon & Emira Mears is a fab. fab. fab! book that you should check out. So great & invaluable!

  4. I haven’t read the entire thing yet, but what I have read of it was fascinating! “Buyology: Truth and Lies About Why We Buy” by Martin Lindstrom. This book has made me look at why I buy, and gave me a few ideas on how to get people to buy.

  5. “Small Giants” by Bo Burlingham
    I got this book awhile ago but haven’t read it yet (although I’m really interested in it!) I gave it to my Dad to read and report it back to me. In a recent conversation we had about my business, he told me this book would be really helpful for what I’m trying to accomplish.

    Have a great vacation!

    • julie – i love small giants! i thought it was a great read (so much so that it’s on my vacation short-list to read again)

  6. Mastery: The Keys to Long Term Success by George Leonard
    The Martha Rules: 10 Essentials for Achieving Success
    The Long Tail by Chris Anderson
    Getting Things Done by David Allen
    The War of Art by Steven Pressfield
    The Creative Habit by Twyla Tharp

    • Thanks Debra –
      The Long Tail is one of my absolute favorites, and I’ve already read (or listened to) Getting Things Done.

      The Martha Rules has been on my list forever, I’ll be sure to bring it along!

  7. It’s been awhile since I’ve read them, but if you haven’t read these I highly recommend both:

    Ben & Jerry’s Double Dip: How to Run a Values Led Business and Make Money Too

    Shameless Exploitation in Pursuit of the Common Good : The Madcap Business Adventure by the Truly Oddest Couple

    I just recently started reading Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the Way We Make Things.

  8. I’m working my way through Seth Godin’s work at the moment, and have just finished “Unleashing the idea virus”. It looks at how marketing has shifted from TV and magazine ads to virial marketing. He talks about businesses who are unleashing ‘viruses’ sucessfully and points out ways in which other businesses could do the same.

    I love the way Godin breaks down his subjects, give us clear examples of what he is talking about and helps me think about business in a new and different way. He is also talking about ideas and concepts which are fresh and relevant today and how the world of marketing and reaching potential customers has been transformed by new technologies.

    I have really enjoyed this book and am now waiting for my copy of “Permission Marketing” to drop through the door!

    • laura –

      I LOVE seth godin. i’ve read tribes, linchpin, and the dip (plus i think a few more). the is a video-book edition of “unleashing the idea virus” for the ipad that i’m dying to check out.

    • BillCongratulations, Colin. I’m glad your courage was so well rerwdaed. (Gotta love those pop-up ads by Google based on word recognition: Closets: Beautiful Custom Closets New York and Surrounding Areas Although I found a lot of happiness in my custom-designed closet for many, many years, the subject here is Closet Demolition!)

  9. I’m currently reading The Snowball. It’s about Warren Buffett. I’m really liking it. It’s a BIG read, not quick, but easy. Have a lovely vacation. 🙂

  10. I love The Boss of You and Martha’s Rules.

    But, for vacation, I would try any of Jen Lancaster’s books. They are memoirs and don’t have much to do with business, but they are high-larious and super entertaining.

  11. Hi Megan

    Top new recommendations (I just read them on a Greek beach!):

    Making Ideas Happen – Overcoming the obstacles between vision & reality by Scott Belsky

    The Business Playground – where creativity and commerce collide by Dave Stewart & Mark Simmons

    I have read a LOT of business books, and I think these have a really good go at considering things through a lens of creativity

    Hope you like them!

  12. The best books of 2010 so far are:

    -Switch by Chip Heath and Dan Heath
    -Linchpin by Seth Godin
    -Different by Youngme Moon

    I’d also include Drive by Dan Pink but technically it came out in December.

    I also put together a list of the best business books of the last 18 months:

    • todd – i read both Switch and Linchpin and loved them (though I don’t think Switch is quite as good as Made to Stick – but it’s hard to top that)

      Different has been on my list (I actually was reading the sample the other day) so it’s great to hear that it makes the list with some other great books. I’ll be reading that one now for sure!

  13. My most favorite business read so far is a copy of Why We Buy: The Science of Shopping, by Paco Underhill, that I checked out from my local library. The focus is on retail stores, but there are many ideas that are applicable to online businesses that I intend to apply to my setup. I was fascinated by the science perspective and the discovered truths about our shopping behavior. Now whenever I go in a store, I notice the little things that they could fix to increase sales. I never know whether or not to say something or mention the book.
    I have the updated version of the book on my Amazon Wishlist, since my library does not carry it.

    • amy – i loved that book. i actually purchased the updated copy when it was released (because it has a chapter on internet shopping) but haven’t gotten around to re-reading yet. i think it has to go on the list!

  14. I am reading “Snapshots from Hell” The making of an MBA and loving the account of a “poet” at Stanford business school…very much like life in business as a designer!

    Had add that I too read both editions of the science of shopping!!

  15. How about The Secret. Or The Law of Attraction ( I think Michael lossier )

  16. The book that helped me most is Creating a Life Worth Living by Carol Lloyd. It is a creative workbook of sorts that helps you see what you are truly meant to do and how to go about doing it. I loved this book!

  17. I was going to recommend Switch, but I see you’ve read that!
    I just read Escape from Cubicle Nation (a year after escaping, but I wanted to see if I could recommend it to friends) and I really loved it.
    Not about business, but about writing, is my all-time favorite: If You Want To Write by Barbara Euland. Delightful.
    And On Writing by Stephen King. I actually read this last summer at the beach and it was just full of entertaining bits and thinky bits and I LOVE it.
    I also love the old-school crafty business books that I started with, years ago: anything by Barbara Brabec and/or Crafting for Dollars by…someone.
    And of course, Twyla Tharp + Julia Cameron is required for anyone living a creative life.

  18. I just finished “Never Eat Alone” by Keith Ferrazzi, and I loved it. It offers some great insights on connecting with people that I think are especially applicable in the small business world.

  19. I recently read Clay Shirky’s “Here comes everybody” and found that very interesting. In it he looks at how the internet has made it easier for people to connect and form groups, so much so that groups that could never exist before are now possible. He also talks about how the internet allows professionals and amateurs to mix.

    I am looking forward to reading his new book “Cognitive surplus”.

  20. I have a couple of books in my usually too-tall pile:

    The first is: Web 2.0- A Strategy Guide by Amy Shuen. It looks like a fun and readable book with practical tips using social media to market.

    The other is: No One Makes you Shop at Wal-Mart: The Surprising Deceptions of Individual Choice by Tom Slee. I’m married to a statistician, so I was intrigued by the description of this book. The author uses probability theory to deconstruct several of the long-held beliefs about “consumer choice” and notions like “anyone can make it if they work hard.” Eye opening stuff!

  21. This isn’t business related, but it is non-fiction. You may have already read it, but I know you like to run.
    Born to Run by Christopher McDougall
    I hate running, but this book actually made me think about taking it up. It was interesting following his search for the tribe in Mexico and setting up the race with the guy living down there. And it turns out that the author lives in southern Lancaster County, so not that far.