business buzz 7-3-10

A weekly roundup of craft, design, and business related news and links:

Do You Want to Make Money or Create? – A MUST READ post about the differences between pursuing your creative passion and running a successful business.

on the craft (beer) community – A few lessons the craft community can learn from the craft beer community.

Maintain Confidence in a Competitive Market – What to do when tracking your competition is making you crazy.

Aaaaaahhh, Craftsmanship… (part 1) – Tamra Gentry responds to some recent CMBA posts with some interesting thoughts on skill and craftsmanship.

The Cure for Creative Blocks? Leave Your Desk – How getting away can boost your creativity.

Stop Wasting Time on Things That Will Never Make You Money – Are you spending time on areas of your business that will never give you results?


  1. I love these Friday round-ups! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Absolutely the best line-up of sites yet! Each one is inspiring and some are funny, like the illustration accompanying the craft beer post.

  3. Excellent listing Megan, I just read the one on business or creating to my wife. We are in process of executing a new plan, investing in a studio space. Building an Empire!

  4. Thanks for these links. I just found your site and have been going through your archives. You really provide great info and have a wonderful writing voice. I really look forward to reading more.