A weekly roundup of craft, design, and business related news and links:
The $600 Question: Assets and Marketing – Why the amount of money you have for marketing isn’t as important as knowing your other assets.
Why Would People Read Your Blog? – This posts gives you some reasons people will read your blog and how to implement those ideas.
The Power of Questions: How Asking Can Help You Rock Your (Digital) Life – Why you need to ask the questions that no one else is asking
Not Selling Yet? 5 Questions to Ask Yourself – Part 1 and Part 2 – This ends up being a total of 10 questions to ask yourself when you can’t seem to get sales on your online shop.
Artist Websites and Good Design – 5 Rules from a Former Gallery Owner – 5 simple ways to make sure that your art is the main attraction on your website
How Big Brands Employ Social Media Marketing – An interview with Andy Sernovitz about word of mouth marketing
How to Summit Life’s Everyday Mountains – and I leave you with an inspiring post from Zen Habits
Thanks for this great information. Your site is a gem!
Mille Grazie! I loved the mountain climbing article – great metaphor for how to manage how we tackle our businesses and life in general. Back into the studio today…with less in my mental backpack 🙂 cc
I think these business buzz posts are great. They’re really helpful. I found the marketing one with $600 was very interesting.