A weekly roundup of craft, design, and business related news and links.
For those of us on the retail side of things, the holiday (super busy) season is fast approaching! Here are two posts about dealing with overwhelm:
The #1 Sneaky Lie That Attracts Overwhelm (and what to do about it…) Why you shouldn’t “fit it in”
Top Time-Savers for Your Art Business rearranging a few things will open space in your schedule
Now that you’re relaxed and have some extra time …
4 Simple Ways to Get More High-Paying Clients with Your Blog this is geared more toward people in the service industry, but the basic ideas work for anyone (with a little tweaking)
7 Ways to Find Inspiration: Think Outside the Blog seven more great ways to find compelling content for your blog (or Facebook or Twitter)
How to Sell Art Online I know, you already know some of this stuff, but are you doing any of it?
How to Create a Window that Gets Noticed Do your customers walk on by or stop and come in?
Make event promotion/PR easy: 27 questions spark ideas asking yourself these questions (and answering them!) will help you make your next event media friendly
Megan, thanks for mentioning my “Make event promotion/PR easy” list of questions.
The questions are great for artists, crafters and designers because what they do so visual. With a little creativity and foresight, they can generate story ideas that are PERFECT for television as well as print.
Always appreciate the buzz! Thanks