business buzz 10-30-10

A weekly roundup of craft, design, and business related news and links.

Be a Connector – Connectors, we all want more of them in our lives. After all, they connect us to other people who may be able to help us.  But do you act as a connector yourself? Why not?

Determining your wholesale terms – Some ideas on how to determine your minimum opening order and reorders

Create a Niche Market for Your Art in a Sea of Artists – By concentrating your marketing efforts to more effectively reach a specific audience for your work, you can increase your sales while gaining recognition as an expert within that field.

-or you could use-

5 Tips for Reaching New Readers Outside Your Core Niche – Think outside your sphere of influence to find new customers

Tim Gunn’s Top 5 Tips for More Stylish Content – OK, not really Tim Gunn, but a fun take on what you might be doing wrong with your blog

If It Won’t Fit On A Post-It, It Won’t Fit In Your Day – Managing your to-do list by making it small? No seriously, it works.

Top 7 Twitter Mistakes – avoid these if you want people to care about what you’re tweeting