business buzz 11-6-10

A weekly roundup of craft, design, and business related news and links.

Twitter 101: What Should I Tweet About? Understanding Why Personal Branding on Twitter Matters – Still confused about how to use Twitter for you business? This post will give you some ideas (scroll down for the list of tips, but the copy can help you too)

Is Your Marketing Campaign Risky Enough? – Get inspired by the crazy campaign this manure company did to make their product stand out from the crowd

What We Let Slip Away – It’s easy to get caught up in our business and push our personal lives to the side

Blog for Your Artists’ Group – Why sometimes it’s easier to write a blog for a group and what you can get out of it

8 Tips To Get Traffic From Online Forums – Some easy ways to bring your online forum friends to your blog/website/store (forums are also a good way to build credibility as an expert in your field)

How to Keep Your Email Marketing List from Hating Your Guts – A funny post about what you should or shouldn’t do to keep your email list interested (You know you’re a nudnik if…)

The best piece of advice nobody ever wants to hear – Sometimes your work just isn’t good enough and someone needs to tell you the cold hard truth, but do you listen?

How to Discover and Attract More of Your Ideal Client – Still trying to figure out what your niche is to market to (or still marketing to everyone?) Here are some more tips to help you narrow down your focus