business buzz 12-18-10

A weekly roundup of craft, design, and business related news and links.

The Art of the Sale – 5 Essential Elements for Success – Even if you never put your work on sale, you should consider these five tips next time you decide to hold a promotion (or sale!)

19 Entrepreneur Blogs That Will Change Your Life – But these aren’t artists! (you inwardly groan)  You can learn a lot from looking outside your industry and you just find an idea that every other crafty type out there is doing!

How Does an Artist Find Their Niche? – Here are some helpful clues to finding out what your niche is.

5 Tips for Creating a Truly Valuable Tutorial – A great way to get loyal fans is to teach them something.  Here are some ideas to make your knowledge seem more worthwhile to your readers.

11 Ways to Improve Your Blog Posts With Interviews – Another great way to attract new readers and to get a fresh voice on your blog is to interview someone

How to Make People Give a Damn About Your Business – You need to figure out what’s at stake for your readings and how to help them overcome their obstacles

Small Object Photography Part 3: Using Your Camera – Some more great tips to get the most out of your camera.  Remember – good images sell!