business buzz 1-8-11

I’m back from the holiday break!  It’s time to get started on 2011.

A weekly roundup of craft, design, and business related news and links.

Mind map: Best practices for writing an effective blog – This post has links to two mind maps that you can save or print out to help you with blog topics and great blogging practices

How to Use Blog Commenting as a Networking Superweapon – Commenting on other blogs is a great way to find people outside your inner circle who may be interested in what you make

4 Ways to Prepare for Valentine’s Day Sales – Just when you thought it was safe to relax, another holiday rears its head!

Create Your Marketing Calendar for 2011 – a great idea to keep you on track and from falling behind on your marketing this year

Read This Before Quitting Your Blog – Just not feeling it anymore when it comes to your blog? Take this Gut Check quiz before you throw in the towel

The Paradox of Choice – Why Less is Always More – Should you pack your blog with all the newest widgets, put everything you brought with you in your booth display, or should you help people make a decision?

How To Track Down & Scout Out Influencers – Some ways to help you figure out who the people talking about your brand are (and how to reach out to them)