A weekly roundup of craft, design, and business related news and links.
The New About Us Page Is a Social Beast – How boring is your about page? Try to make it more engaging.
Tools of the Trade – A resource for different apps and software to help manage the online portion of your business.
Fundraise $1000 with Your Blog in 3 Days – How one man was able to finance a trip to teach a workshop overseas and how you can finance your next project the same way.
Art Blogging: How to get more comments on your art blog – Ideas to get more interaction (and more meaningful interaction) on your blog.
How Much Does It Cost You To Do Your Creative Thing? – Have you considered how much you should set aside each month for your creative upkeep?
8 Easy Ways to Become an Industry Leader – Getting involved in your industry can help you boost sales, make connections, and be seen as an expert. Here’s how you can increase your industry cred.
A Guide to Online Shopping Carts -Four e-commerce tools for a variety of small business needs.
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