business buzz 2-19-11

A weekly roundup of craft, design, and business related news and links.

Trying to Find Topic Suggestions – We all hit the wall eventually when trying to come up with new blog posts.  This post links to some great suggestions for when you’re stuck.

Because of V-Day this week, a lot of emphasis was put on building client relationships.  Here are two posts on that subject:

Need More Customers? 5 Ways to Get Them to Know, Like, and Trust You

Frog Design’s 5 Tips For Building Great Client Relationships

Don’t Let Your Hyper-Creativity Stifle Your Business – You need to nurture the ideas you have before moving on to the next one if you want them to grow.

4 Steps to Podcasting Success – Thinking about reaching your audience through another medium?  Here are some tips for you to get the most out of your new podcast.

6 ways to romance journalists with your pitch – There are actually 7 ways listed in this post to help your pitch stand out from everyone else’s.

Seizing Previous Sale Opportunities – How keeping track of customers who are interested in sold out items can lead to new sales.

Why Being “Very Good” Will Be Your Downfall, And What YOU Can Do About It – With everyone having the ability via the internet to become a small business owner, you need to be remarkable in order to stand out.