business buzz 6-25-11

A weekly roundup of craft, design, and business related news and links.

How to Start Creating When You Don’t Know What to Say – We’ve all been here, creative blocks suck, but sometimes they’re a signal to change things up.

How to Grow Your Twitter Audience with Smarter Questions – One of the best ways to build rapport with potential customers is to answer their burning questions.

The Importance of Being Earnestly Friendly – Sulky and rude may have worked in high school, but in the real world people want to interact with friendly and helpful businesses.

Feeling overwhelmed with all the mundane tasks in your business? Try The Perfect 7-Step Plan To Boost Daily Productivity

Crafting Your Online Presence: How Does the Money Follow from Doing What You Love? – Thoughts from the panelists from last month’s Maker Faire on how to get the money doing what you love.

25 Facebook Marketing Tips to Increase Sales – Ways to increase likes, encourage engagement, and to actually make some money using Facebook for your business.

How I Nearly Tripled My Blog Traffic – 13 specific things my friend Ken did that had dramatic results.  Seriously, you need to subscribe to his marketing blog.

The creative blog – who are you writing for? – Make sure that you are writing for your audience and not just blindly  following blogging advice that isn’t right for your niche.