Posting may be kind of light here over the next few weeks as I’ve got a lot going on with my jewelry business. (I can’t believe NY Gift is less than three weeks away!)
But I thought I’d share with you some of the things I’m working on this week, to give you a little behind the scenes look into my business and maybe inspire you to take action on your business as well.
#1: Pre-show postcard mailing. With NY Gift right around the corner, it’s time to get my usual pre-show postcard mailing out the door. I’ll be sending these postcards out to an extensive lis of stores – current and previous accounts as well as lots of new prospects – to let them know that I’ve got a new collection and where they can find me at the show.
How you could use this for your business: Even if you aren’t doing a trade show, you could still create a postcard mailing to drum up interest from stores. (I always get a response from stores who won’t be at the gift show but are interested in hearing about the line.) If you aren’t currently looking to wholesale, you could send a postcard to your previous retail buyers (from online or craft shows) letting them know about a new product or collection.
#2: Shipping wholesale orders. I left the Buyer’s Market with a lot of orders that stores wanted ASAP. But this wasn’t entirely luck. In order to encourage stores to order and pay up front, I had a show special. “Free shipping on all as ready orders paid with a credit card.” This encourages stores to not only get the product in the store early, but to give me a card at the show – no need to call and track down payment info later. Now, I’ve got a bunch of orders I need to get out the door this week!
How you could use this for your business: If you’re headed to a trade show, a show special is a great way to encourage stores to not only order, but order on your terms. Something as simple as free shipping, a free display, or a bonus product can be enough to encourage stores to bring your order in sooner rather than later.
#3: Pitching the press. Did you know that now is the time to start pitching press about inclusion in holiday guides? I recently snagged Heather Allard and Justine Grey’s Get Your Own Publicity program, and it includes access to Heather’s (aka the Mogul Mom) Get Gifted guide. The Get Gifted guide includes info about a TON of gift guides looking for submissions RIGHT NOW, so that’s something I’ll be working on this week as well.
How you could use this for your business: Grab either Get Your Own Publicity or the Get Gifted guide so you can start pitching the press as well!
So that’s my agenda for this week. What do you have on tap for your business this week?
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Don’t forget that the Marketing for Makers home study is now available, but only until August 31st. So grab your copy today!
And if you’re interested in learning more about making wholesale work for your business, don’t forget to sign up for the Wholesale Academy pre-launch list. (At the bottom of that post.)
great idea to do free shipping on wholesale orders paid with card at show. this is the first year we’ve had some real issues getting checks from our wholesale buyers. it is extremely frustrating. your solution is perfect.
Hey Megan, thanks so much for the shout out on our program, GYOP. Looks like you have a hearty to do list for the week, hope you get it all done quickly and have time leftover to relax later in the week
Dear Megan: I’m really intrigued by this and interested in doing the home study, but given that I’ve not made sale one yet it’s a bit pricey for me at this time. Can you say more about the Basic Version? What it includes…How to get that vs. the Full…Can I upgrade it later without paying the full $ for the full version?