business buzz 10-8-11

A weekly roundup of craft, design, and business related news and links.

10 Tricks To Motivate Yourself To Write–Right NOW – Give yourself a kick in the butt in your day-to-day battle to get things done

Once you’ve sold something, what can you do to keep those clients coming back? Enhancing the Art Buying Experience

One way to improve your marketing message – Start with Why

Artist Websites: Appealing to the Slow Scavenger vs Fast Hunter Shoppers – People shop in different ways and your website has to reflect that. Here are some ways to appeal the the “Fast Hunters.”

It’s getting to be the busiest time of year and it’s hard to get attention in the crowded holiday marketplace – How to Generate Buzz for Your Next Studio Event

SEO – 20+ Quick Ways To Build Backlinks – It has been said that creating a lot of backlinks increases your traffic.  Here are some ways to increase your backlinks, and thus your traffic.

Think your business is all about your product? Think again.  Small Business Tip Tuesday: Do You Know Your REAL Business?