business planning, laurel denise style

I love business planning!  And no, I don’t mean a creating a boring document that you’ll never read.  I mean creating a plan for how much money I want my business to make, and how I want it to get there.

Check out this video to learn my business planning strategy and to find out how you can win a 2012 Laurel Denise planner!

And if you want more help with your business planning, be sure to check out my Business Growth Planner for tips and worksheets to help you create a plan to reach your revenue goals!

UPDATE:  The contest is now closed!  Thanks to all who entered!  We’ve notified the winner via email!  

Don’t forget to grab your own Laurel Denise planner and start getting ready for 2012!


  1. Love this video, really useful!

    One thing that has really helped me organise is WorkFlowy ( I put all my projects in, mark each sub-task with a hashtag-month, and then I can easily keep an eye on what I need to be doing this month and next month.

    • Stephanie, WorkFlowy is AWESOME! I’m all about to-do lists, but I’ve never found one that’s so intuitive and simple. Thanks for sharing!

  2. I think the most important tip of all is to choose something you are passionate about, and keep your momentum up! Well that, and to remember that joy comes with the morning, so don’t get stuck in a rut on a bad day. Waste of time. 🙂

  3. I’ve been eyeing those planners for a while now, love them!

    My tip is to make one, huge, giant to-do list, then break each item down into 3 smaller steps – each smaller step accomplished is one closer to the larger goal.

  4. To Do Lists, To Do Lists, To Do Lists. I make them for the month, the quarter and the year. Would love that planner to make it easier! Incidentally, two partners and I are just launching a new business, so planning has been at the TOP of our lists and minds for months now!

  5. As a people person, I tend to dawdle when left to my own devices for the work day in the studio. I have found that the hours tracker app (free for the lite version) for mobile devices keeps me on track and accountable for each hour of the day. Best app on my phone thus far!

  6. Is it possible for you to include a written version of your videos on the post?
    I work FT and cannot listen to a video w/o letting my employer know a few things:
    1) i’m not working on his stuff
    2) i’m planning to start a my own company and take a few accounts with me.

    It isn’t possible for me to watch your videos after work either b/c I’ve got my second job to got to – that of mother & homemaker.


  7. I think that it is really important to USE the plan. Take a few minutes every day to look at it and see where you are vs. where you want the plan to take you. And most importantly, when you have a decision to make, refer to the plan first. If the choice does not fit in with your plan, then make sure that you are really doing it for the right reasons, not just as a knee-jerk reaction! It is amazing how often we get off track by just jumping at the newest shiny thing instead of keeping to our path.

  8. I use a simple list system called TeuxDeux..I love’s similar to pen and paper list..but on the computer screen-so satisfying to cross off each item that is completed!

  9. every evening I sit down with my daily planner and review what I accomplished that day, move anything I haven’t done to either the following day (or another day I plan to do it), and add any other tasks to the next day’s list. Everything goes in my planner so it doesn’t get forgotten.
    Each day I have a clear to-do list that I can jump right into – most often I also number the tasks so I will focus on most important things.
    Also I use a highlighter to draw thru each task I finish – which is a boost as I see all the yellow lines adding up!

  10. Thanks for the video! I personally use google calendars – I can link my biz email calendar to my personal calendar, it auto syncs to my Android as well as allows me to invite people to appointments attach documents AND allows reminders for important things like tasks!!

    Will look at because I have been searching for a better print out of the calendar/agenda!

    Loved the video – appreciate the info!!

  11. Planning, planning.. always starts in the head, but eventually have to finish written on paper, even if already went through Google Calendar, Email, or any other online device or program. I have a household planner on excel, my husband has been using it, but for my business I made my business plan last year and wrote my main goals and highlighted them, in my email, and in paper, and pinned them in my billboard right beside my desktop, so I can watch them on a daily basis. Now that planner would come perfect as I’ve tried different planning software and services and still don’t get familiar with them. Thanks for your tips Megan!

  12. I’ve been using Evernote and like it, but now I’ll have to check out WorkFlowy! I still have a lot of paper crossing my desk though, so to stay organized I have a small box for hanging file folders on my desk. Every scrap of paper gets put in a labeled folder so I can find what I’m looking for later.

  13. There are so many aspects to planning, but I’ve found the best way to get me to actually DO something is to share what I’m doing with my best friend, and ask her to hold me accountable. She’s working on her own Etsy business and we share ideas back and forth. It inspires me to create, think outside of the box and reenergizes me, it helps hold me accountable for my goals and keeps my business moving forward, and it’s an excuse to have a cup of joe with a good friend:)

    Loved the video. Thanks for sharing your insights. I feel like a lot of people shy away from the money end because they don’t want to be all about the money, but if you don’t make a profit, you can’t have a business. I like your straightforward and simple approach.

  14. i love google calendars – especially with their new color-coding options. i can keep track of dr appointments, business meetings, hockey games, yoga classes, everything! and with just a glance, i can tell by the color where i’m supposed to be. love it!

  15. I tend to procrastinate the business end of things when working in my studio which can quickly snowball into a ADD befuddled nightmare. I schedule 2-4 hours on Monday morning to deal with “business” so I can focus on the creative end of things without a monkey on my back. I schedule another couple of hours on Friday morning to make sure the week’s loose ends are tied up. I still plan on paper and To Do lists help keep me utilize my time wisely.

  16. Hi,
    I just love your video and the ideas you have. Everyone has posted some great responses. As for myself, I have a steno note book and I write down what I plan on doing for each day of the week. For example:
    Monday- work on website: which means updating graphics, links, etc. Figure out what I want to give as a giveaway in my newsletter.
    Tuesday- work on new crafts, take pictures and add to website
    Wednesday- advertise and promote site. Find advertising that is reasonable and not going to break my pockets
    Well I’m sure you get the idea. lol 🙂
    Then I start looking into what craft shows are available. Since the holidays I have been just working on finding a good show for next year and visiting shows that I find interesting.
    I have to say your tips have helped me alot. Keep up the great work!

  17. Hi! I love your motivational posts. Thanks!

    I like to send myself emails.. not that I get enough already.. but I get orders from my job like that so I started doing it for my business as well. I mark it as an order “To Do” and then get to file it or delete it when it’s done. Keeps me accountable because I hate a full email box and can’t ignore emails.

  18. I think looking at the calendar each month to see what holidays and seasonal events you can play off of for advertising, marketing and sales is a great way to develop your business plan. It’s helped me stay focused and prevented me from feeling too overwhelmed trying to strategize for an entire year.

  19. like you said…planning and creative types don’t always fit together so well…my “planning” tip is stick with it, even though it doesn’t come naturally the payoff is big. using (well designed!) tools can make it easier and more fun. never say I can’t

  20. I am a planner junkie! Love the idea of a monthly, weekly and daily breakdown.

    My #1 most favorite ‘running a biz tool’ is to use a timer: I allow allotted amounts of time to check email, work on marketing, make phone calls, etc and when the timer dings, I move on to the next thing – even if I’m mid doing whatever (b/c I’ve noticed that if you give yourself “one extra minute” to wrap things up…it turns into 30 very quickly!).

    Using the timer has upped my productivity and allowed me to avoid the dreaded computer time suck! 🙂

  21. The blog post related to more info on how I use the timer is here:

    Started doing it in 2009 and it is the BEST way to be accountable for your time!

  22. My tip: I have a yearly calendar that I use to put all my major events for the year and I also have a monthly calendar that breaksdown what I need to do for that particular month. For my daily to do list I create a list the night before, so it’s updated and I keep it short and simple.

    Another thing that I LOVE to do is my overall planning for the next year. I breakdown all my expenses and income to see where’s the money coming from and going and compare to previous years. I set my yearly goals for my business: Financial, marketing and artistic goals. I also make a point to write down specific projects I wanted done for next year like update my website, create a line sheet, streamline my shipping, etc. This not only help me focus but be productive as well.

  23. The book ‘Getting Things Done’ has really helped me to organize all of my to-dos.

  24. I’m a BIG list maker! However recently I started color coding things to do each day, then I can look back for the week, month….and see what I need to improve on at a glance. Seems to help keep me on track.

  25. I would love to win that planner. I like how it’s laid out. Someone commented that it is so important to make business decisions looking at The Plan!! 😀 I must agree with that as this last summer, I made a pretty big business mistake because I got caught up in a little fantasy–off the plan! I am literally paying for it now!

  26. I LOVE making lists- “to do”, “to buy”, “follow up”, etc. I keep them all on little pieces of paper that I loose track of and then get to write them again. ; /

    Well recently, in an effort to make my studio more homely and to end all my list rewriting, I strategically painted chalk board paint on a few doors, drawers, and wall vignettes. Now, I have permanent lists for “business to do”, “Business goals”, “weekly planner”, “materials to restock”, “Marketing ideas”, “follow up”, “Payments pending” located where they are needed. And then, when I go out of the studio to take care of these things I just take a photo of the list with my smart phone. Gotta love it!

  27. This topic is so timely! I am terrible at planning and organization, but good ol’ fashioned pen and paper work for me. The problem is, I have too many stray note pads so everything is here/there/everywhere! I love colored highlighters. I use them when itemizing my monthly PayPal statements. Green is for sales. Yellow is for supplies, etc…

  28. I love to-do lists, with old fashioned pen and paper. Crossing things off gives me much pleasure!

  29. All of these tips are really helpful. Thanks for sharing everyone!

    I’m a list-maker too. I start with the big thing I need to accomplish, then break it down into smaller, manageable steps (under different categories). Then I assign due dates to each of those steps so I can accomplish my goal in time.

  30. I struggle with with planning (how do I know what’s possible/ realistic?) then struggle with sticking to the plan due to not looking at it again. The things that do seem to work; use a paper based planner, not a computer based one. Once I turn my computer on I can kiss the rest of my day ‘goodbye’! Next thing that works is sticking to routines and making certain things a habit, then they get done.

  31. My tip is that prioritizing is key. Your video had some amazing tips for the big picture and business goal setting for the year. Sometimes amidst a hectic lifestyle you may only have a few hours to really concentrate or focus on job expansion. When you set the goal in your mind that you only have 2 or 3 hours to dedicate to your business goals without outside interruptions, believe me, things get done. Breaking up your day into segments helps you to be productive and also makes you feel like you’re taking breaks so you don’t go crazy and feel like you’re working all the time.

  32. For me, the best approach for any plan is ‘do one thing at a time’. Sounds deceptively simple but I have recently had a baby, am doing a masters degree in surface design part time and work as a freelance artist. At first I tried to do everything and completed…well…nothing of a decent standard. I then worked through my gigantic list of to do’s one at a time and somehow got everything done and without that stress cloud following me everywhere! It’s hard to focus one one thing but I have found it such a productive mind set (although I know it’s not very technical 🙂

  33. I am a fairly new business and have not yet done a business plan. I love your suggestion to break it down to monthly and weekly numbers.

    I have two “tools” that are very important. First is to “write it down” because if I don’t, surely things will be forgotten. I am moonlighting in my business so the second thing is to “do something every day.” Every. Day.

    Nice giveaway, thank you.

  34. Thanks for the great video!

    My best tip to to have something to write on with you at all times. Not just scrapes of whatever receipt you have in your purse, but a real notebook for your business. When an idea comes to you, you can hold on to it and find it again later in your go-to place.

  35. I’m a list maker–I have a to do list on my desk that I made (double sided copies of a “to do” list I created and then bound with a binding machine) and I add to it each day. As I get something done, I mark it off with a highlighter. I might have three or four pages but, I can easily look through it and see what has to be attended to right now and what I can “put off” until later. The list will never be finished because I just keep adding and adding to it, but, it’s a great place to hold yourself accountable.

  36. I think whatever you decide to do to organize or plan, it has to be in something that you will look at again. I make a lot of to do lists, but never really looked at them until I finally formatted them in a way I would look at it every day.

  37. I am the opposite to a planner junkie, although I make “to do” lists on paper regularly. I struggle at getting things organized in general, but mostly at “how to do the planning”, so I am sure that the Laurel Denise’ planner will be a great starting tool for me. Very visual and small enough that you can carry it with you if needed!
    Thank you for a very interesting video and a great giveaway!

  38. I agree with @Erin, I also have a great deal of papers flying across my desk each day. And I tried everything to stay organized. The results are semi-effective, but I learned to do one thing very helpful — make the time to organize.

    So my tip is every work day, I schedule 15 minutes to wind down — kind of like the phase on a trend mill right before you stop your workout. And in that 15 minutes: I file away what is done, throw away what is trash, and neatly stack what needs to be completed the next day on my desk.

    I find this 15 minute Wind Down AWESOME for three reasons. 1) It clears my desk. 2) It prepares my work for the next day (so I always know where to continue). And 3) It gives me a moment to reflect on the day, be grateful, and have some quiet time before I transition into my after work life (if you are a parent or a social person — you know what I mean).

    My day must always include this 15 min Wind Down. It’s a business ritual that has literally (and figuratively) helped me in a positive way.

  39. I am the biggest list writer out and if i am being honest i probably spend more time organising myself and list writing than i do creating! But my most basic yet best advice for planning would be 1. Make a dailey list of tasks. 2. Give each task a priority A, B, C. 3. Make sure you work on the highest priority first (not the easiest or most fun!!!) 4. Handle each piece of paper on your desk only once. 5. Dont put anything off or procrastinate. Do it now!

  40. I have a 3-column poster. Do now, do in the following 14 days and future tasks. I place small post-it notes with the name of the task (green for new patterns, pink for writing/blog stuff, white for finances) and move them from one to the other.

    Each of the post its has a page on my filofax with the individual tasks in each (for a blog post it’d be “title” “content” “point to drive across” “images”) and I can cross them off when I do them, then throw away when I’m done!

    The poster is a good visual exercise to see what needs urgent attention without having to transfer tasks from list to list, the individual breakdowns makes me think “oh, let me tick one more thing off the list” and keeps me going, as I see them in small chunks, rather than “DO ALL THE THINGS NOW!!”

  41. Megan, this video was wonderful – like how you made biz planning seem un-scary!! one of my fave tools has been using the right brain biz plan type of planning – it’s more visual & creative and works!! (

    I’ve been eyeing this planner since I saw it so thank you for this giveaway!!

  42. Great video – thanks! I’m still a paper planner too – the act of writing it down commits things to my memory better. I make a short to-do list before bed each night with 5 priorities that need to be accomplished the next day. If my list is too long, I get overwhelmed and end up achieving nothing.

  43. Megan, I love the new target for your site. I’m so glad you brought up this topic. I avoid planning because in my mind I make it into some huge task. Thanks for reminding me how simple it can be. It can actually be fun and exciting. ok, time to start…thanks!

  44. One thing come to mind for me, I used to put the show application deadlines in the calendar, instead of simply the show’s dates, so that I didn’t miss those all important cut-off dates!
    Great video 🙂

  45. I still love using paper planners and find chunking out blocks of time using different colors helps me to quickly see how I’m allocating my tasks….

  46. Tracy Arrington

    Megan, great video! I make lot’s of lists with plans but find keeping up with them hard sometimes when real life gets in the way. I read a great tip yesterday: Every night write the 3 most important tasks you need to get done the next day on a 3×5 card. On the other side, list the number one task. I’m thinking this might help me implement some of the business planning goals in a very structured but manageable way. Thanks again.

  47. i’m a ticker! i love making lists and ticking them off…but i think that keeping all those to-do lists together is important. don’t write them on some random piece of paper or reciept. keep a notebook with all your lists on it. that way you can revisit some of the ideas you had to do.
    And– don’t get upset if something doesn’t get done. Maybe break that up and make the steps smaller so it is doable.

  48. Great video and I have been thinking about this planner for some time now!! What is most effective for me is creating a monthly plan and then making a master weekly list of action items for just that week. It allows me to focus on what matters most over the next 7 days. Laurel’s planner would be perfect because you can have both the monthly and weekly views at the same time! I have not found an online tool that does that!

  49. Fantastic video, Megan!

    I am a huge fan of to-do lists. I have sticky notes all over the place. I also have become really good at *immediately* plugging things into my calendar, whether on my iphone or computer (and then ‘syncing them up’ with my paper calendar) when things come up. Meetings, appointments, scheduling work, or even just a visit with a friend. It helps me remain calm and organized, so I can concentrate on more important things.

  50. I’m in the midst of launching a new business and I’m finding the act of keeping my goal in mind is so important when I am bogged down with the tedious details… My mantra goes something like “one step closer to my beautiful fulfilling goal – DONE!”

    cool video thanks for the tips and all that you do to help us GROW our businesses.

  51. Caroline Garland

    I use the Steven Covey System from his book “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People.” The book instucts you to break down your life into roles, which could be buisness owner, parent, or friend. Your main question that you ask is: What is it that I can do today to make my buisness flourish. The book also helps the reader see what is important vs. what is urgent.

    I liked your video, Megan; I will work on a plan for the next year.

  52. Megan,

    First of all, I love the integration of video into your site! I’m an avid reader, but the added media really is wonderful.

    Organizing tip: I rely on google calender and love that it e-mails me reminders the day of the appointment. I also love the old fashion write-it-on-paper type of planner too and have one always in my studio that can also fit in my purse.

    Thanks for the great info!

    –Megan Winn
    The Binding Bee

  53. I use a mix of Google calendar plus good old fashioned daily to do lists. I’m still working out how I can make the most of my time being productive and figuring out the times that I’m prone to getting distracted (ahem.. now is one of them!) and filling them with other more creative activities.

  54. Finding a way to keep the custom orders correct, so the little changes everyone asks for from the “standard” really get done. This means using a blue or black pen for the basic order with all the “standard” options, but adding in the unique changes in red pen so they catch your eye and you actually make them. Otherwise you have a custom item that isn’t really what the customer wanted, and how do you sell that?

  55. My business planning is usually set up by the craft shows that I attend during the year.

  56. My favorite organizational technique is the Pomodoro method. As a university student with a lot of free time (between classes etc) time management is key. This helps me stay on track without procrastinating!

  57. Pingback:Link Hype 11-4-11 | Create Hype

  58. I love using planners and to-do lists. I currently have a Moleskin planner that I use for all my appointments, classes, and rehearsals, and then I bought this weekly list mouse pad from Knock Knock (, which helps me organize and prioritize what I need to get done each day. I will admit – I’m kinda addicted to crossing things off!

  59. I love this, thank you for pinning me on instagram! This is the coolest/smartest planner I’ve ever seen! My business planning tool/advice is having someone [partner, friend, etc] who can help bounce ideas, collaborate, give a different perspective and to help hold you accountable. When my list gets long, this is something that keeps me in a generative state. Thanks again and have a great weekend!

  60. I use a software called ACT to keep me on task and remind me of the tasks, big and small that I need to accomplish.

  61. At the beginning of each week, usually on Sunday night, I do a brain dump that lists all the things I need to do for the week, including appointments. Then I prioritize each day with the top 3-4 things that I want to accomplish. It helps reduce the overwhelm & makes each day more manageable. I also meet once a month with a group of friends. We talk about what we’re working on, what our goal(s) are for the next month, and where we need help, if any. It’s a great way to stay accountable.

  62. I have blended a few people’s systems to better plan and organize myself.
    When it comes to note taking in business meetings I follow the Action Method and focus on notes that indicate my action steps rather than a breakdown on everything said in the meeting. I found that once I started doing this, I actually started looking back at my notes and using them rather than never looking at the page again.
    I also use David Allen’s filing method and work flow method. I have set up a tickler file, I schedule out the things that will take more than 2-3 minutes to do and if it takes less time than that I do it when it crosses my desk.
    Lastly, I use google calendar to hold these schedules.

  63. I just started using outright and am sooo happy to have all my finances laid out in one easy to use program! It sends me a weekly summary of what I made, what I’ve spent and what my quarterly’s are and when they are due. I am terrible tracking this so it has been a huge help and really as given me an idea of my big financial picture.

  64. Michelle Smith

    I used to organize everything by writing notes and business ideas in spiral notebooks. I had about 30 different notebooks containing different things. For example: One notebook would be marketing strategies for the next few months. Another notebook would be lists of supplies and the quantities needed to reach my monthly sales goals. I set my own sales quotas for each month. The most important tasks that I needed to get done on a daily basis was written on post it notes that I’d have somewhere visible to me around my desk and computer. That always kept me on track.

    After some time, I started to use the computer to help keep me organized. Microsoft Word and Excel were used daily to create important lists and a way to keep close track of daily, monthly, and yearly sales. I have to admit that I also love to use notepad for almost anything I want to save that I can;t keep in my own memory, lol. If I go to a website and see something that sparks my creative juices and I start to get ideas of my own or if I just randomly think of a new idea, I create a notepad document for those creative ideas. I organize all of my documents in folders. It keeps everything neatly organized for me.

    I must admit, I also have a bad habit of bookmarking a zillion sites just so I can go back to something very important that I wanted to refer to at a later time if needed.

  65. My business planning tip(s) is one based around combating fear and procrastination. Because I have big goals for my business sometimes the fear paralyzes me and I end up putting things off or not doing things at all, so to combat and go against the fear I will post and market what I am doing on Facebook & Twitter for accountability because it usually generates some conversation and I tell myself everyday (no matter how I’m feeling) that there’s purpose in what I’m doing and that I believe in me and have what it takes to make it happen. Sounds simple, but especially for a solo-preneur, it’s necessary:)

  66. I am a top down planner. I use excel and google calendar. I start with ‘the big number’, break that into smaller chunks and assign a product or service that will help me reach that smaller $ goal. Those smaller goals go into headings in excel (or comparable spreadsheet program). Next, I drill down everything I need to do to create, make, sell…that product. When I feel like I have really exhausted every little to-do, I open up google calendar and start setting up times to get things done.

    Its not a perfect system. Sometimes I over-think things or get bogged down in details. And sometimes I realize that one of these pieces is just not what I want to do. But it works a lot better for me than just winging it. =D

  67. My tip is to do a little house organization first. It gets me in the mood for my business planning.

  68. I use a vintage planner that doesn’t have dates… every page is the same and features a bunch of different areas to write different tasks or appointments and places to check off what you have accomplished. I don’t use the actual planner (I am too much of a curator), I just make photo copies, hole-punch them and stick them in a 3 ring binder.

    The planner you have featured also seems really nice… I like that it has both a calendar, weekly and day view.

    Thank you for your fun video!

  69. I really don’t use a planner, and just started thinking about business planning as a whole. I enjoyed the conference call with you last week. I’m slowly coming around to work on the business end of “my business”.

  70. I’m actually having a lot of fun planning out next year (thanks to your Business Growth Planner)! I use spreadsheets to help me keep track of everything and stay organized – for example, I have one for all of my current wholesale accounts, one for stores I contacted or plan to contact, one for shows, one for marketing, etc. It really helps me to be able to see everything on 1 page for each specific aspect of business.