Your art has value! (Yes, especially now.)

I know times like these can be hard as an artist or maker. Beyond the financial concerns that are swirling around right now, there’s the lingering self-doubt about whether it’s even worthwhile to be making or selling art right now.

For the record, I think art is essential, not just including times like these, but especially in times like these! And I lay out the reasons why in this video! (Fair warning: I do drop an F-bomb or two in the video, if you’ve got kiddos around!)

And in case you can’t watch right now, I’ll hit you with the high points:

You don’t have to feel guilty for becoming an artist or maker instead of something more “noble” like a nurse or a doctor. Yes, nurses and doctors are awesome and they are doing great things, but if the rest of us heed the warnings we are being given, we hopefully won’t actually need to be treated by a nurse or doctor right now.

AND one of the best ways to cope with staying home right now is to make sure that your home is a place you love. And that’s where art comes in!! The best part is that it’s not capitol A art that you usually see in museums or galleries that are making peoples’ lives better right now. (Because those places are closed!) Instead, it’s the art we are living with in our daily lives.

It’s the handmade mug I drink my morning tea out of. It’s the necklace you put on before jumping onto that video conference. It’s the art hanging around that gives you moments of joy or happiness or feeling or connection!

I expand on these ideas even further in the video, so if you need a pick me up about the role your art serves right now, watch the above video or head to Instagram to see it there!

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If you need more help discovering the value of your art or craft and sharing that with the world, be sure to check out my class Sell Without Shame.