“But I want my work to be ‘accessible’.” A pricing problem that plagues many of us.

In Module 1 of my new class, Sell Without Shame, I address an issue I’ve been helping artists and makers deal with for years: the problem of pricing your work too low in order to make it “accessible.”

This is one of those sneaky problems that artists and makers need to be on the look out for, because it tends to pop up again and again. I know, because I’m not immune to it myself.

For the most part, I’ve gotten past this mindset when pricing my jewelry. Part of it is that I’ve done the internal work, and part of it is that I design for a broad range of price points, so if you want to purchase some of my jewelry, you can spend as little as $20 or as much as $2000.

But I fell into the accessible trap when pricing my new class, Sell Without Shame. Which is ironic, because, as I mentioned, the problem of pricing your work too low in order to make it accessible is something we actually address in the class.

My reason for pricing the class this way makes sense on the surface. I believe the world would be a better place if every artist and maker could confidently declare the value of their work. I want everyone to feel, as I do, that art is an essential part of our world, and that making art is worth getting paid well for.

So it stands to reason, that if I have this message, the best thing I can do is create this course and price it in a way that encourages as many people as possible to take it.

But there are two problems with that line of thinking.

The first is in the way I teach. I am an incredibly hands on teacher, even in a class like Sell Without Shame, where the lessons are pre-recorded. I encourage every student joining the class to complete a welcome survey so I can get to know them and the challenges they are facing. And then each lesson in the class features a discussion area where I answer question and address fears and concerns.

These things take a lot of not only time, but mental and emotional energy on my part. It’s basically one part teaching and one part therapy. I could never teach any differently, because this is the core of who I am as a teacher and the way that I create value for my students. But this kind of emotionally invested teaching requires a lot of self-care. And that’s only possible if I’m charging enough for my classes. And to paraphrase myself, my work isn’t accessible to anyone if I’m too burnt out to stay in business.

The second problem with this line of thinking is that I KNOW, thanks to both the content and my teaching style, that Sell Without Shame is a hugely valuable class. The truth is, it’s worth way more than I’m currently charging, because it not only addresses limiting beliefs that are holding artists and makers back, but it also follows that up with practical action you can take to market your work.

And there’s a lot of fucking value in that.

Plus, as I tell my students, “affordable” and “accessible” look different to everyone. Even at $299, Sell Without Shame is much more affordable than certain popular $2k online business programs that shall remain nameless or college masters programs in the business of art and design (whose ads have been popping up in my Instagram feed lately) that charge upwards of $50k. (And personally, I think Sell Without Shame is more valuable AND more practical for artists and makers than either of those.)

All of which is to say two things:

One, I’m not immune to the challenges that you face when it comes to pricing your work. I’ve had over a decade of experience dealing with this shit, and even I slip up from time to time. But I think that’s what makes me so qualified to teach this stuff. I’ve fought many of the same demons as you, so I teach from a place of empathy and understanding.

And two, I’m raising the price of Sell Without Shame. And in case you missed the subtle reference earlier, I’m taking the price from $99 to $299.

Because I know this is a big jump, I want to give you time to make your decision. That means you have until July 31st to join at the current price. And yes, class has already started, but we’re only on Week 1, and you have lifetime access to the material, so you’ll have plenty of time to catch up or work through everything at your own pace.

And because there are lots of different ways to be accessible, when I raise the price on August 1st, I’ll also be adding in a six month payment plan option to give you another way to pay. (There’s currently a three month payment plan option to split up the $99 price.)

I’m also reminding myself, and you, that my course isn’t the only way to spread my message. If you need a reminder that your work has value, you’ll find plenty of them on my IGTV or on Designing an MBA, all for free. If you’ve ever experienced self-doubt about your work, I highly encourage you to spend time listening and reading.

And if, and whenever, you recognize that you need to dive deeper and that you need my combination of tough love, inner work, and actionable advice to move your business forward, Sell Without Shame is here for you.