Seth Godin and the problem of art world elitism

A few weeks back, I made a video talking about why you should tell artists and makers that you can’t afford their work. (You can watch that video here.) Someone commented that on that video about an episode of the Art Juice podcast they had recently listened to with Seth Godin, and how many of his comments really bothered them. I’ve been familiar with and a fan of Godin’s work since the beginning of this website, so of course, I was curious to give it a listen.

I think it’s safe to say that I’m no longer a Seth Godin fan. I was admittedly shocked by the level of art world elitism that Godin brought to the interview. I’ve talked about the problem of art world elitism before (you can read/watch that here) but there were a few things I wanted to address specifically in light of the Seth Godin interview and a book I recently read, Painting Professionals by Kirsten Swinth.

You can watch the full video below:


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