Why email marketing matters for artists and makers in 2025.

Let’s face it. Social media is pretty much a shit show right now. Platforms are getting shut down and brought back. People are leaving in droves. And chances are, few of your followers are actually seeing your content.

It’s a mess.

But this mess has also led to some opportunities, one of which I’ve been shouting about all along. In prediction after prediction for what’s going to work in business in 2025, one thing has stood out to me:


That’s right. Email marketing matters in 2025.

Which, hello, I’ve been saying this all along.(It’s why I wrote a book about it.)

Even before the most recent social media upheaval, email was still the most reliable way to connect with your customers online.

While you’re lucky if 1%-2% of your followers see your social posts, I know artists and makers (myself included) who consistently get 30-40% open rates on their emails.

And that’s not even counting all the other people who are seeing your name in their inbox, even if they don’t open that particular email. (Because yes, that’s marketing and brand recognition too!)

Now, I’m not saying you have to quit social media cold turkey like I did. If there are platforms that are still working for you, there’s no shame in using them.

But whatever your level of social media strategy, it’s essential that you back that up with an email list for connecting with your customers.

I get it. Social media can be about more than connecting with your customers. When it works well, it’s a way for new people to discover your work. And it can be really great for that. (Though of course, it’s not the only way for people to find you.)

But if social media is the only way you have of letting customers know about new work or sales, you’re taking a big risk. You’re counting on unpredictable algorithms to reach out to people who want to hear from you, but might be missing out.

Because that’s the thing. The people on your list really want to hear from you!

If they didn’t, they wouldn’t have signed up.

Yes, signing up for someone’s email list is a bigger commitment than following someone on social media. But that’s exactly why the people on your list are more valuable.

How much more? In my experience, an email subscriber is worth $10-$20 per year in sales. (If you actually email them, that is.) By contrast, a social media follower is worth $1-$2. (Assuming they see your posts at all.)

If you’ve been ignoring your email list, now is a good time to pick things back up. And if you’ve been waiting to start an email list, now is the time to do it! Don’t wait until social media falls apart to try and capture the customers you’ve got there.

And whether your list is new or it’s been dormant for years, now is the best time to hop on any social media platforms you’re still using and remind your followers that there’s a better way to connect with you. (And you’re going to need to do this more than once, because as we’ve established, most of your followers aren’t seeing every post.)

There’s no telling what’s going to happen with social media in 2025, but cultivating your email list is a great way to safeguard your customers and your revenue. And there’s no better time to start than right now!

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I’m so committed to helping you make the most of email marketing in 2025 that I’ve got a whole series of emails on email marketing (yes, I know, super meta) planned over the next couple of months! Be sure to join the email list (below this post) so you don’t miss out!

But in the meantime, if you’re looking to get started quickly, be sure to check out my book, The Artists & Profit Makers Guide to Email Marketing. You can get it on my website or on Amazon!