business buzz 6-26-10

A weekly roundup of craft, design, and business related news and links:

The Five Keys to Unconventional Marketing – Amazing post about how to market when the traditional features/benefits rules don’t apply to your products and services.  (A must read.)

Financing Your Dream: What’s the Right Path? – I love the part about using your customers as a source of financing.

12 Sure-Fire Steps to Improve Your Retails Sales – This applies to online selling too.

Top 5 Online Shop Solutions – I came across this while researching Etsy alternatives and thought you might find it useful too.

Patent Protection for Your Craft – Includes a great section on whether or not your product is even eligible for patent protection.

“Professional” does not mean “corporate” – A little rant about the difference.


  1. Hi Megan,

    Glad that article resonated with you!


  2. Wow, that first article is fantastic! They are so right about certain products being difficult to market…I can sell a deep freeze to an Eskimo, but selling art is a lot different than marketing automobiles. Thank you!

    Glad you liked the SCORE article, too. Those folks are so helpful…!