A weekly roundup of craft, design, and business related news and links.
11 Ways To Do More With Online Video – Video is a great way to connect with your customers and this post has 11 ways to get even more out of your video posts.
The 1-Step Plan for Super-Productivity – I don’t want to give it away, but if you aren’t a morning person, you might want to reconsider what getting up early can do for you.
How to write for the web: 23 useful rules – While my inner writer cringes at some of these rules, they do make online reading easier for your blog or website copy (even emails and newsletters can benefit from this)
Forget About THEM. What Are YOU Going to Do ? – It’s the end of the year and you’re probably starting to take stock of what you *haven’t* accomplished in 2010. Take this advice and get it done in 2011!
How to Write Winning Product Descriptions – Another riff on how to tell your story and sell the experience rather than just the product
Why you should keep track of your work (and your clients) – Once your work is out there, what happens to it? How does this affect the world’s perception of you?
5 Bloggers Who’ve Got (Writing) Style – Still confused about how to write for your blog? Here are some examples of bloggers who do it right.
Great links!
I found some really interesting tips.