business buzz 5-14-11

A weekly roundup of craft, design, and business related news and links.

Small Business Tip Tuesday: Collaborate with Your Competitors – By banding together with your competitors you can actually build business for all of you.  This is an example of one industry doing it.

And on a related note, Why Passion And Generosity Matter In Marketing A case study of a business that sells by helping people out instead of trying to just make money.

Give Your Twitter Bio a Boost – What’s the first thing people look at (besides your avatar) on Twitter?  Your bio.  Make sure it showcases what you’re about to attract the right kind of followers.  (FTR My bio is featured in this post)  Then you can search for High-Quality Connections on Twitter

But your customers aren’t on Twitter?  Then you need to Invite Your Customers Onto Twitter to join your conversation!

A Blog Commenting Strategy – One of the best ways to get new traffic to your blog is to comment on other blogs.  But don’t be random, choose your blogs and comments wisely.

10 Ways To Get More Buzz For Your Business – We all know that to make money we need to spread the word about our product.  Here are some low cost ideas for you to get the ball rolling.

Finding it hard to get all of these great ideas implemented?  Here are some ideas to help you  – How To Set Smart Daily Goals

And finally, are you trying to get your story out there through guest blogs, articles, or other press?  Make sure you use these 10 magic phrases journalists and bloggers LOVE


  1. Wendy, thanks for all these terrific links.

    I particularly liked the article about the blog commenting strategy. In addition to using an RSS reader, you can also create Google Alerts, using keywords that pertain to your target market. l finds lots of blogs I never knew about, and when the blogger has written about something on which I can comment and promote my expertise, I join the conversation.

  2. That’s a great idea, Joan, thanks for mentioning it to our readers! I know I’ve found some interesting new blogs that way also.

  3. I love to come here on saturdays so I can discover new blogs! You shared some really good link this week, thank you! I loved the ones about Twitter! Your Twitter bio is awesome!