business buzz 10-22-11

A weekly roundup of craft, design, and business related news and links.

7 Ways to Have Fun Selling Your Art – For many artists selling is the hardest part.  Here are some ideas to help you see this less as a chore and more as something that’s fun and integral to your art.

Looking for outside money?  Here are a few tips for Writing Successful Funding Applications

Feel like your blog has become a waste of time? Here are Four Reasons Your Blog Is Dying

4 Tips To Get Your Business Ready For The Holidays – That’s right, it’s that time of year again.

This is an oldie but goodie to help you with both your business and personal finances – 10 financial homework assignments

17 Ways to Turn Your Blog Readers into Loyal Fans – It’s all about making them feel special

Feel like you don’t have enough time in the day to Tweet constructively?  Here are someways to  Find Killer Twitter Content To Tweet

One Comment

  1. Linda Stevens

    Hello! I was directed to your website when I Googled “inventory management software for crafters”. The link it gave me led me to believe you had a software program for craft people which would help keep up with inventory, invoices and other financial records. I am in the process of turning my hobby into a small home-based business. We have a lot of both small and large craft shows in the Tulsa area plus I plan to set up on Etsy and Pinterest. I felt it would be good to go ahead and get everything set up on a good software program before I start selling. I have not been able to find anything like this on your website. Have I just not looked in the right place or was the Google link misleading? Other websites offer what I am looking for but are very expensive and I cannot afford them, just starting out. Any help you can give me is appreciated.