4 ways to deal with Zone of Frustration tasks in your business

When I teach Alignment – the process of designing a business that makes you happy and makes you money – one of the core things we talk about is Zone of Genius vs. Zone of Frustration. Zone of Genius are the things in your business that you’re great at and that light you up. When …

Why it takes more than passion and strengths to build a successful business.

One of my projects last year was to launch a book club with my friend Amber. Each month, we picked a book that we both loved and then developed resources to help other takes action on the themes of the book. It was a project we were both excited about, as it really hit our …

Two pieces of business advice that just don’t apply to artists and makers

One of the reasons I started Artists & Profit Makers, my online mentorship program and community, was that I was tired of seeing artists and makers get tripped up on business advice that they’ve been told they just have to follow. There are lots of culprits, but the two big ones that I want to …