How I evolved my work and my aesthetic while staying true to my brand

If you’ve been following me on social media for a while, you’ll know that my jewelry has gone through some major shifts in the last year. First, it was my Essaint Collection, where I broke free from the simplified leaf/teardrop shape that’s been my staple for the past decade to explore a greater variety of …

should you have one shop or two?

Your business has been chugging along. You’ve been making a product you’re excited about when suddenly, you have a NEW IDEA! You’re excited! You dive in! You start making like crazy. But then you get to a crossroads. Because your new ideas is different from what you’ve been making. Perhaps it’s a different material. Or …

you are a brand

The other day, Bonnie Glendinning interviewed me for her upcoming event, The Thriving Artist Summit. In our conversation, I mentioned to Bonnie that I viewed myself as someone who is building a lifestyle brand. The idea that I view myself not just as a lifestyle brand, but as a brand at all, was really fascinating …