Two books that influenced my business strategy this year.

If you’ve been following me on Instagram over the past few months, you might have noticed some changes. (Or, you might not have, because freaking algorithms.) I am still technically making jewelry, but a lot of my time and energy right now is going into publishing books and related products specifically aimed at artists and …

How to hold yourself accountable as a creative business owner, or the importance of scheduling launches and releases

This week, I got a question from someone who had just read Try It & See, and it was so key I realized it warranted a blog post of its own. Here’s what she asked: “One thing I’d like to know more about is the ‘launches and releases’ being the most important things you could …

Why it takes more than passion and strengths to build a successful business.

One of my projects last year was to launch a book club with my friend Amber. Each month, we picked a book that we both loved and then developed resources to help other takes action on the themes of the book. It was a project we were both excited about, as it really hit our …