3 major mistakes you’re making with your marketing

Chances are, if I asked you what the biggest challenge is when it comes to growing your business, you’d say marketing. And chances are, you’d be right. Because while it takes more than great marketing to build a successful business, you can’t make a living selling what you make if not enough people know about …

is your marketing creative?

I’ve been reading a lot about creativity lately, (I blame Amber) and I’m currently devouring Ken Robinson’s book, Out of Our Minds: Learning to be Creative. (It’s a must read, especially if you’re at all concerned with the future of education.) In Out of Our Minds, Robinson writes: “It is often thought that creativity is …

Is Pinterest the right tool for you business?

Pardon me while I vent for a minute. A friend just forwarded me an email from Daniel Pink‘s newsletter in which he talks about Pinterest. He says, “By now, you’ve heard of Pinterest. You may even know that it has become the planet’s third most popular social network. But I have to say, I still …

the world doesn’t need MORE stuff, it needs YOUR art

What do do when morals and creativity clash. A few weeks ago, when I asked “Can you tell me the value your products provide?” I got the following email from a reader: “I am into a minimalist phase in my life and strongly believe there is a big consumerism problem in this world. My life …