your marketing strategy: customer engagement vs. traffic generation

So many times, when I ask people what they’re doing to market their business, I hear the same responses. “Facebook. Twitter. Relisting on Etsy.” Answers like these concern me, and not just because relisting on Etsy really isn’t marketing. (That would be like saying bringing inventory from the stockroom to the shop floor is marketing. …

your WHY is not about your products (and it’s not about you)

A lot of you have been thinking about what your WHY is lately, and that’s great. Starting with WHY can help differentiate your company and create loyal fans. But I think some of you are still missing the boat when it comes to determining your WHY. Your WHY isn’t about your products. It’s not about …

turn your liability into an asset (or, how to wholesale limited edition products)

What do you do if you want to wholesale your products but they are limited edition or one-of-a-kind because you use a material that you can’t source consistently? This is a question I’ve been hearing a lot lately. Whether it’s vintage books or salvaged fabrics, if you don’t have a consistent source for your materials, …