guest post: How To Put Your Business Plan into Action on Your Website

Today’s guest post is from Lisa Verdi of MindfulBIZ.  Lisa is sharing some strategies for tweaking your website to line up with the goals of your business.  Be sure to read to the end of the post for a chance to win a website critique from Lisa! Some designers and makers get caught up in …

guest post: 5 common rookie marketer mistakes

I’m about to hop a plane Wisconsin to be a visiting artist at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh, but luckily I’ve got a great guest post  from Meredith of Smaller Box to share while I’m gone.  Meredith is talking about 5 mistakes rookie marketers (and sometimes even more seasoned marketers) often make.  She’s also got …

using etsy's circles and activity feeds to research your ideal customer

The idea behind Etsy’s new circles and activity feed features is pretty straight forward – to keep tabs on your friends or people whose work you admire. These features greatly enhance the social capabilities of Etsy and can make shopping more fun. But how, as a seller, can you use these features to your advantage? …