7 reasons why you think you’re not ready for Market Your Selfie

And why they’re all bullshit. I know I shouldn’t play favorites with my classes, but if you were to ask me honestly, I would have to say Market Your Selfie. It’s not just because it’s something I use so much in my own business. (Though I do.) It’s really because I’m consistently blown away by …

How to safeguard your business from the collapse of social media

On Friday night, Tyler Thrasher, an artist I follow on Instagram, posted some interesting thoughts in his Stories. Basically, he shared that he thought we weren’t far from a pretty significant collapse of social media. His reason is that now that Elon Musk has purchased Twitter and will begin implementing a monthly fee for blue …

5 books to help you write better as an artist or maker

One of the biggest challenges I hear from artists and makers when it comes to marketing their work is writing. It’s not surprising – many of us, especially in the visual arts, aren’t taught to write well. And when it comes to promoting our work online, there is a lot of writing to be done …