Why your marketing needs to be based on what you’re selling. (And not the other way around.)

It’s amazing to me how many more ways there are to market a creative business than there were even just ten years ago. Blogging was just starting to gain traction and podcasting was still a fairly fringe activity. Instagram hadn’t even been invented yet. But now it seems that new platforms are sprouting up every …

What’s the difference between blogging for a course and blogging for art or handmade products?

In case it wasn’t clear by now, I love blogging. It’s been almost fourteen years since I launched my first blog, I now run multiple blogs, and yes, even in the age of Instagram, I still believe that blogging is a powerful tool for promoting your business online. (I’d even argue that blogging is more …

Three places to use pictures of yourself that aren’t Instagram

I just opened enrollment for the next round of Market Your Selfie. (If you know you’re interested, you can check that out here.) But that got me thinking about a conversation I had back in the spring with a friend of mine. At the height of my frustration with Instagram, I told a friend that …

Your art (or product) is your message

On a recent Q&A call for my online mentorship program, Artists & Profit Makers, we were having a conversation about the best ways to connect with customers. One member shared that she almost never emailed her list, despite having over 1000 subscribers. (The result of connecting with customers at craft shows over the years.) After …

What I’m doing about the MailChimp/Shopify split

I’ve been getting a lot of frantic emails, DMs, and questions in Artists & Profit Makers ever since MailChimp and Shopify announced they will no longer integrate with each other over what we’ll call, um, creative differences. So I wanted to take a quick second and share my thoughts, in case you’re freaking out too! …