stop listening to info marketers when it comes to your email list: email marketing for product-based businesses

I know that as an online business owner, there are so many sources of businesses advice. From Facebook groups to online forums, and more experts than you could possibly count, there are plenty of people out there who will try and tell you the “right” way to do things. And while most of this advice …

How I turned one photo shoot into five different blog posts

If you follow me on Instagram, you know that I’ve made a switch to photographing my jewelry on myself. (This is partly because I’m the most convenient model I have and partly because my IG followers respond better to pictures of me than pictures of other people.) Recently, I spent some time photographing one of …

Is the Instagram algorithm stressing you out? Three other online marketing strategies to focus on instead.

I don’t know about you, but ever since Instagram switched to their algorithmic feed, there are days where I feel like no one sees my posts. (And don’t even get me started on Facebook, where I know no one sees my posts.) And while, for the most part, I still love Instagram as a tool …

Does follower count still matter on Pinterest? (And what to focus on instead)

Last week was a crazy week if you’re a Pinterest user. Due to some unexplained glitch in the system, follower counts had been going haywire. On my own account, I watched my followers spike by almost 20,000 only to see them drop by almost 30,000 before finally coming back to their normal level. Now, I …

what to do when your Instagram strategy feels like a struggle

You don’t have to look too hard online these days to find someone talking about how Instagram is THE online marketing strategy. (Especially for visual businesses like ours.) I even talked about Instagram in depth in my last Creative Live class. But the problem with focusing on Instagram as a marketing strategy is that what …