Struggling with whether to have a Black Friday/Cyber Monday sale this year? Here’s why I’m having one.

For the past few years, I’ve been adamant about not having a Black Friday/Cyber Monday sale for my jewelry business. There are several reasons for this. One was simply that I started holding a major birthday sale at the end of October, and I didn’t want to hold another sale so close to that one. …

10 lessons I’ve learned in 10 years of blogging for my business

This month marks a huge milestone for my business. It’s been ten years since I first started blogging under my Megan Auman brand. Back in the good ‘ole days of 2006, blogging was still a relatively new way to get the word out about your business. And while I certainly had no idea what I …

how I “make time” for marketing as an artist and maker

A few months ago, I was at a conference talking to a fellow metalsmith and she mentioned that she feels like she sees my work everywhere online.  “You must have a great marketing team!” she said. When I told her I didn’t have a marketing team, and that it’s just me, she was shocked! But …

5 ways getting press coverage can help grow your business

Every year, I pick one “growth accelerator” to focus on for my business to help bring in more traffic and grow my online sales. In 2014, it was Pinterest. In 2015, it was Instagram. And for 2016, I’m focusing on pitching the press. My goal is to make reaching out and pitching the press part …