The three types of products you should have in your line

Whenever I give a pricing talk, someone always balks about raising their prices. “I want my work to be affordable or accessible,” they say. Having universally low prices does not make your work affordable. In fact, it can actually have the opposite effect. It’s the quickest route to burn out, and your products aren’t accessible …

Pricing for Profit is completely new and on sale today only!

Last year, I had a major shift in the way I think about profit. Instead of being an afterthought, I placed profit at the forefront of my pricing strategy. Profit is not something to add on at the end. It’s something to plan for in the beginning. Using this as my starting point, I completely …

this book will change everything (and I didn’t write it!)

Have you ever read a book that was so in line with your own philosophies that you almost felt like the author was inside your own head? That’s how I felt last week when I stumbled upon Breaking the Time Barrier: How to Unlock the Your True Earning Potential, an amazing (and free!) book written …