stop making average products for average people

I was reading Seth Godin this morning and he made the following statement: “We’ve been culturally brainwashed to believe that the factory approach (average products for average people, compliance, focus on speed and cost) is the one and only way. It’s not.” And that phrase, average products for average people, stopped me in my tracks. …

pricing your art, craft, or handmade products for growth

One of the themes that comes up a lot with artists and makers who are trying to grow their businesses is that accelerated growth requires money. Whether it’s hiring a web designer, tackling a trade show, or simply buying materials for a new collection, everything has its cost.   So how do you finance growth? …

is it time to add new price points to your product line?

Wow, I can’t believe we’re already five days into April!  Now is the time when many of you are busy preparing for the start of the outdoor craft show season, or perhaps finishing prep for a May trade show.  (Or maybe, like me, you’re starting to think about your product line for one of the …