Why your fear of rejection is keeping you from asking for the sale.

The following is adapted from my ebook, Try It & See: How to Get Sh*t Done While Overanalyzing Everything, which is available now! Every artists and maker I know wants to bring in more money from their art or craft. I’m sure you do as well. It’s the reason you read my blog. Yet, I’m …

Five ways to help buyers navigate a large collection.

As I mentioned in my last post, one of the things that sets successful, established designers apart from struggling, emerging designers is that established designers tend to have larger, though still cohesive, product lines. Yet many designers and makers hesitate to add more products to their line for fear of overwhelming their customers. The thought …

Are there enough pieces in your collection? Three signs it’s time to expand your product line.

This past month was all about trade shows, and as I’ve been walking around the shows and talking to both new and established makers, I’ve been asking myself one question: “What sets successful, established designers apart from struggling, emerging designers?” While there are many, many factors, one of the big things I see is that …

3 ways to prep for fall wholesale season

When I talk to artists and makers, many express interest in wanting to expand the wholesale side of their business. (For those who are new to the lingo, that simply means selling your work to stores.) And for good reason. Growing your online sales can feel frustrating at times (especially when Instagram keeps changing their …