4 benefits of attending a trade show (beyond sales)

In addition to walking the National Stationery Show this past weekend, I spent some time at the other big show in the Javits Center – ICFF.  The International Contemporary Furniture Fair is the annual trade show for all things home and design – furniture, home accessories, wallpaper, lighting, and a host of miscellaneous products that …

National Stationery Show – how to stand out in a crowded field

If you design and make any kind of paper goods, the National Stationery Show is certainly the place to be.  Every May, buyers from around the world (I saw a good assortment of locations represented at the show yesterday) head to New York and the Javits Center to make their paper purchases for the year. Yesterday was the …

now available! The CMBA Guide to Wholesale and Trade Shows

Today I’m so excited to finally announce the launch of my very first ebook – The Crafting an MBA Guide to Wholesale and Trade Shows! I’ve been hard at work the last few months putting together this extremely comprehensive guide to selling your work wholesale and exhibiting at trade shows.  I’ve taken everything I’ve learned …