Why Netflix should pay all the contestants on Blown Away

I spent the last week binge watching both seasons of Blown Away, Netflix’s glass blowing competition show. (Yes, I did other work too. They are fairly short seasons!) Despite a few little quirks (it feels like they gloss over some pretty big parts of the process) it’s a fairly entertaining show that I think most …

Why do I talk about mugs so much? Or, how to get inside the mind of a passionate art collector.

Someone pointed out to me recently that I talk about mugs a lot. It’s a fair assessment. I mention them in blog posts. I talk about them in IGTV videos. I take pictures of myself holding them. I used an image of one for my new class, Sell Without Shame. Apparently I have a thing …

your art doesn’t exist to solve a problem: three reasons I’ve had it up to here with problem solving marketing

There’s a basic marketing strategy that goes something like this: 1. Figure out what problem your product solves. 2. Find people who have that problem. 3. Remind them that they have this problem and why your product is the solution. This line of thinking is so pervasive in marketing culture that we’re even taught to …