6 reasons why you think you can’t model your own products.

And why they’re all BS! When it comes to selling my jewelry online over the past 18 years, I’ve learned two very big lessons: 1. Wearable products sell better when customers can see them on a real person. And 2. There’s no more convenient model (and photographer) in your business than you! Yes, you can …

7 reasons why you think you’re not ready for Market Your Selfie

And why they’re all bullshit. I know I shouldn’t play favorites with my classes, but if you were to ask me honestly, I would have to say Market Your Selfie. It’s not just because it’s something I use so much in my own business. (Though I do.) It’s really because I’m consistently blown away by …

Making product photography part of your creative process.

Over the past few years, I’ve gotten back to my design roots. And my design roots are decidedly maximalist. (Don’t believe me? Check out my MFA thesis or scroll down on this post to see some of the “jewelry” I made in my first year of grad school.) The reason I say “gotten back” is …

What’s working on Pinterest right now (in August 2022)

I’m not going to lie, despite being known for teaching Pinterest strategy, I’ve been neglecting my Pinterest account something fierce over the last year or so. The truth is, all the changes to the platform had me feeling super frustrated. I was sick of jumping on the app and having my feed filled with flashing …

Instagram, Pinterest, and the betrayal of images

I’ll never forget my excitement at discovering the platforms of Pinterest and Instagram. I don’t remember which one I learned about first, but my feeling about each was the same. Finally, a platform for us! And by us, I mean visual people. Those of us trained or inclined to communicate first and foremost in images. …