What product photography has to do with pricing

Over the past month or so, my time has been consumed by two seemingly unrelated projects: launching my pricing spreadsheets and promoting my class Market Your Selfie. And for a moment, and despite knowing better, I started feeling like I was doing something wrong. I was having thoughts like “maybe my teaching business would be …

3 tips for keeping the focus on your jewelry when you’re photographing your jewelry on yourself (or a model)

If you’ve been around here for any length of time, you’ll know that if you make jewelry or wearable products, it’s essential that you’re sharing pics of your products on a real person. It helps your customers see scale and context, which helps you sell more product. And because YOU are the most convenient real …

Falling in love with your work is a continual process.

But it’s a process that’s essential for marketing and selling. One of my firm beliefs is that it’s so much easier to market and sell your work as an artist and maker if you truly love your work. I’m not talking about process here. I know many artists and makers love their process. They love …

Show, don’t tell. Why photography matters more than copywriting if you’re an artist or maker.

I’m going to be brutally honest in this post. If you are an artist or maker, and you are taking marketing classes with people who don’t know shit about photography or visual communication, you are wasting your money. That may sound harsh, but the reality is, as an artist or maker, the number one tool …

Three places to use pictures of yourself that aren’t Instagram

I just opened enrollment for the next round of Market Your Selfie. (If you know you’re interested, you can check that out here.) But that got me thinking about a conversation I had back in the spring with a friend of mine. At the height of my frustration with Instagram, I told a friend that …