What my newfound plant obsession can teach you about blogging

Up until this year, I was a self-described black thumb. The few houseplants I’d owned in my life all died spectacular deaths and my garden is an overgrown mess of weeds. And while I loved the idea of plants, I thought they just weren’t meant for me, resigned instead to a life of faux plastic …

Your art (or product) is your message

On a recent Q&A call for my online mentorship program, Artists & Profit Makers, we were having a conversation about the best ways to connect with customers. One member shared that she almost never emailed her list, despite having over 1000 subscribers. (The result of connecting with customers at craft shows over the years.) After …

How to blog as an artist or maker (in less than 15 minutes a day)

In my last post, I mentioned the importance of owning your content or owning your audience. And for my money, there’s no better way to own your content than posting it to your own blog. But whenever I encourage artists and makers to blog, I often hear the same excuses. “I’m a terrible writer.” “I …

5 ways to cope with social media burnout in your business

It seems like everywhere I turn these days, people are voicing their frustrations with social media. And who can blame them? Platforms that once seemed like golden opportunities for small creative businesses are now at the mercy of the algorithm. And we’re quickly discovering that screen time is making us feel unhappy and disconnected, the …

What to use now that Polyvore has closed (and why I actually changed my blog content strategy months ago)

If you took my blogging class on Creative Live, you’ll know that one of the tools I often used to create content is Polyvore. For years, I used Polyvore as a tool to create outfit ideas that featured my jewelry, which I would then post to my blog. It was a huge part of my …