How I turned one photo shoot into five different blog posts

If you follow me on Instagram, you know that I’ve made a switch to photographing my jewelry on myself. (This is partly because I’m the most convenient model I have and partly because my IG followers respond better to pictures of me than pictures of other people.) Recently, I spent some time photographing one of …

Does follower count still matter on Pinterest? (And what to focus on instead)

Last week was a crazy week if you’re a Pinterest user. Due to some unexplained glitch in the system, follower counts had been going haywire. On my own account, I watched my followers spike by almost 20,000 only to see them drop by almost 30,000 before finally coming back to their normal level. Now, I …

Why it’s important to make decisions based on your Instagram audience (and no one else’s)

As I’ve been posting more about Instagram and Pinterest here, I’ve also been spending more time reading what other people are saying about those platforms. And it seems like right now, everyone is giving similar advice when it comes to Instagram. It’s always something along the lines of “If you want to boost your engagement …

What you need to know about the Pinterest lag (and how to get past it to find success on Pinterest)

Despite the fact that I’ve had a crazy busy summer, I’ve been making a concerted effort to pin as many of my new jewelry designs to Pinterest as possible. That’s because I want to make sure that my products end up on as many holiday gift wish boards as possible come November and December. And …

Four ways to get more mileage out of the content you create for Instagram

One of the more frustrating things about Instagram is that you spend all this time creating the perfect image to post, and within a few hours (or if you’re lucky, a few days), it’s basically run it’s course. Then you’ve got to come up with another perfect image. It’s the reason I like to refer …