Monthly Trainings + Additional Resources
As a member of Artists & Profit Makers, you get access to a new live training each month. These trainings last between 1.5 and 2 hours and each live training comes with the opportunity to ask questions and get feedback. All trainings are recorded (in case you can’t make them live) and your membership also includes access to the full archive of previous trainings!
Become a member and get instant access to ALL of these trainings (plus monthly Q&A calls and our private membership forum) at!
May 2024: Quick Cash Flow Boost Ideas
From best practices for sales to running pre-orders and special events, this training walks you through ways to generate cash for your business – quickly!
April 2024: What’s Working on Instagram with Liz Kantner
Social media and jewelry marketing expert Liz Kantner shares her tips and strategies to get the most out of Instagram right now.
March 2023: Marketing Mindset
In this training, we work through the roadblocks that keep you from marketing your business and making more money.
February 2023: The Alignment Retreat
Our annual two-day virtual retreat guides you through the five key elements – personality, domain, model, market, and economics – to help you build a business that makes you money AND makes you happy!
January 2024: Building a Store Database in Airtable with Brigitte Lyons
In this training, Airtable expert Brigitte Lyons shows how to use the software to create a store database (or any other kind of database your business needs) and how to set up automations that make taking action in your business easier.
December 2023: Year-End Review/2024 Planning
Evaluate your year and create a plan for the following year in this training.
November 2023: Alignment Check-In
In this training, we check in on the work everyone’s done since the Alignment Retreat in February.
October 2023: Inspiration & Idea Generation
Feeling stuck? This training will help you find your best sources of creative inspiration and turn them into new ideas for your work and business.
September 2023: Marketing Strategy
This training will help you think like a marketing by learning to build your marketing efforts around campaigns.
August 2023: Pitching the Press
Learn to identify media outlets and craft compelling pitches to see your products (or your story) covered in magazines, newspapers, online media, and more!
July 2023: Fall/Holiday Planning
This training helps you plan for the fourth quarter by scheduling major projects and priorities.
June 2023: Alignment Check-In
In this training, we check in on the work everyone’s done since the Alignment Retreat in February.
May 2023: Designing and Evaluating a Bread & Butter Line
When done right, a bread & butter line (also known as a production line) can add a big boost to your business. In this training, Megan talks about what makes a successful bread & butter line, the mistakes to avoid, how to evaluate existing lines, and how to approach designing a line from scratch.
April 2023: Facing Rejection with Tammie Bennett
In this popular training, special guest Tammie Bennett shares her secrets and mindsets shifts to cope with the fear of rejection when putting yourself and your work into the world.
March 2023: Line Sheet Reviews
This training features walk-throughs of member line sheets, along with tips and helpful feedback that you can apply to your own wholesale line sheet.
February 2023: The Alignment Retreat
Now available exclusively inside Artists & Profit Makers, The Alignment Retreat features two days worth of trainings to walk you through all the steps of your business so you can figure out what’s working and what isn’t, in order to build a business that makes money – and makes you happy!
January 2023: End of Year Reflection and New Year Planning
The prompts in this training help you reflect on the previous year and set goals for 2023. While this training stands alone, it also plays well with the Try It & See Planner.
December 2022: Leveraged Models
This training explores different ways you can add leveraged (or as it’s sometimes called, passive) income to your business. From print-on-demand to digital products to outsourced manufacturing, this training helps think through the different ways you can make money in your business.
November 2022: Finances
This training covers the financial aspects of running a business as an artist or maker, including strategies for saving and paying yourself and a spreadsheet for tracking your business revenue and expenses each month.
October 2022: Alignment Check-In
Alignment is a process and in this training, we check in with members to see where they’re at since the Alignment Retreat in February, with a particular focus on marketing strategy.
September 2022: Poetic Product Photography
Get access to this new course online inside A&PM! Learn to take your product photography to the next level with details lessons on set-up, cameras, vibe, visual storytelling, composition, lighting, and more!
August 2022: Website Reviews
Learn the key things you need to incorporate for website success while watching walk-throughs and feedback of member websites!
July 2022: Boundaries, Burnout, and the Creative Process
This training takes an expanded view of the creative process to show why taking time for gathering, reflecting, and rest (not to mention creating itself) is key to setting boundaries and avoiding burnout.
June 2022: FB/IG Ads Revisit
For those wishing to use ads on FB and IG, this training does a deep dive into what’s currently working on the FB ads platform.
May 2022: Alignment Check-In
Alignment is a process and in this training we check in with members to see where they’re at since the Alignment Retreat in February.
April 2022: OPA Strategy
When it comes to growing your business, nothing is more powerful than OPAs. (That’s Other People’s Audiences.) This training will show you all the ways to leverage OPAs to accelerate the growth in your business.
March 2022: Pricing (with Spreadsheets)
This training dives deep into the specifics of pricing your art, craft, or handmade products, with spreadsheets to do the complicated math for you!
February 2022: The Alignment Retreat
Now available exclusively inside Artists & Profit Makers, The Alignment Retreat features two days worth of trainings to walk you through all the steps of your business so you can figure out what’s working and what isn’t, in order to build a business that makes money – and makes you happy!
January 2022 Training: Business Models to Support Your Art
This training guides you through different business models for creative businesses that help you maximize the amount of time you can spend making your art or craft.
December 2021: Streamlining + Simplifying Your Business
This training is all about letting shit go in your business by identifying what’s not working and how you can get rid of it so you can focus on what is working.
November 2021: Money Mindset
This training helps you ditch your money baggage and introduces the idea of money mindset as a practice you can return to again and again when you feel stuck in your business.
October 2021: Alignment Check-in
This training revisits the Alignment Retreat from earlier in the year and helps members check-in and plan for the rest of the year.
September 2021: Image Caption Writing Prompts
This training features a series of prompts to help write captions for social media and blog posts based on a specific image.
August 2021: SEO
This training covers search engine optimization basics including keyword research and writing for SEO.
July 2021: Alignment/Mid-Year Check-In
This training revisits the Alignment Retreat from earlier in the year and helps members check-in and plan for the rest of the year.
June 2021: Basic Branding with Briggs Shore
In this training, ceramic artist and A&PM Member Briggs Shore shares her secrets for building a cohesive visual brand and walks members through creating a brand style guide.
June 2021: Email Reviews
In this training, we look at members’ emails to the list to help them generate more traction and sales!
May 2021: Website Reviews
This training features live reviews of members’ websites, as well as tools you can use to evaluate if your own website is effective or not.
April 2021: Scheduling Social Media with Amber Kane
This training shares strategies, tips, and tricks for scheduling social media posts (and creating an editorial calendar) to help you create more consistency and less stress in your social media marketing.
March 2021: Growth and Scaling Your Business
This training looks at the challenges you face when hitting a production ceiling (ie. you don’t have enough time to make everything you need to make) and how to work through them for your particular business.
February 2021: The Alignment Retreat
Now available exclusively inside Artists & Profit Makers, The Alignment Retreat features two days worth of trainings to walk you through all the steps of your business so you can figure out what’s working and what isn’t, in order to build a business that makes money – and makes you happy!
January 2021 Training: Building Your 3-Prong Strategy for Online Growth
This training looks at the three elements of growing your online sales – Email Marketing, Consistent Content, and Other People’s Audiences – and helps you create a plan to implement all three to grow your online sales.
December 2020 Training: Headlines, Post Titles, and Subject Lines
This training helps you develop the habit of creating compelling and clickable headlines for blog posts and Pinterest.
November 2020 Training: Video Practice
In this training, we go over tips for getting comfortable talking and selling on video, and a few brave members step into the hot seat for some video practice.
October 2020 Training: Setting Your Schedule Based on your Energy Flow
This training helps you create daily, monthly, and yearly schedules that work with your own natural energy levels, rather than fighting against them.
September 2020 Training: Launch Strategy (for the Holidays and Beyond!)
This training focused on developing a clear strategy for launching new products or promoting sales in your online store.
August 2020 Training: Photo Editing
This training goes over various editing techniques for product and social media photos, including editing for a white background.
July 2020 Training: Mid-Year Check-In and 2020 Re-Planning
This training gave members an opportunity to touch base on how the year had gone so far and adjust plans for the rest of the year.
June 2020 Training: Facebook and Instagram Ads
This is an in-depth training on setting up ads in Facebook and Instagram, including ads to new audiences and retargeting ads.
May 2020 Training: Instagram Content + Strategy
This training helped develop a strategy for creating content and using Instagram to connect with ideal customers.
April 2020 Training: Website Reviews
Members submitted websites which were then reviewed and given feedback in this training.
March 2020 Training: Store/Gallery Research Work Session
This training focused on research techniques for identifying stores and galleries to reach out to to potentially sell your work.
February 2020 Training: Funnels + Autoresponders
This training walks you through how to set up a welcome email or welcome series for your email list.
January 2020 Training: Creating an Operations Plan for Your Business
A guest training from Amber Kane on systematizing processes in your business.
December 2019 Training: In-Person Sales Strategies
This training walks you through strategies for selling in person at trade shows and retail craft shows and art fairs.
November 2019 Training: Video for Product Pages
This training looks at different types of videos you might want to create for your website and product pages and shares strategies and tips for quickly and easily creating video.
October 2019 Training: Pricing Psychology
This training looks at the psychology behind pricing and addresses common fears and concerns that artists and makers have when pricing their work.
September 2019 Training: Email Marketing Topic Ideas
This training gives you a five step system for identifying potential topics for emailing your list so that you’re never left wondering what to say in an email again!
August 2019 Training: Dealing with Overwhelm
This training explores different types of overwhelm you might be experiencing in your creative business and gives tangible and practical strategies for dealing with overwhelm.
July 2019 Training: Creative Product Narratives: How to Imbue your Products with Meaning
This training will help you write more compelling product descriptions.
June 2019 Training: 2019 Goals Check In: Evaluating Your Year so far and Making Course Corrections
This training gave members an opportunity to check in on their goals for the year and make any changes or course corrections to things that weren’t working.
May 2019 Training: Time Management: Setting Boundaries, Habits, and Getting Things Done
This training helps you look at how you’re currently spending your time and set boundaries and habits to help you become more productive.
April 2019 Training: Building Awareness by Telling your Story: Interviews, Press, and Public Speaking
This training walks you through a process of identifying the parts of your story that are interesting to other people (yes, we all have them) and then determining how to turn those into press and speaking opportunities.
April 2019 Training: Create a PDF Info Product to Sell
This training covers the basics of creating a PDF info product to sell – including choosing a topic, putting it together, and the logistics of sales and delivery.
March 2019 Training: Teaching for Money & Marketing
This training goes over the basics of adding teaching into your creative business.
February 2019 Training: Wholesale Booth Reviews
In this training, I took a look at members’ booths from recent trade shows and gave feedback on what could be improved for next time.
January 2019 Training: Goal Setting and Planning for 2019
This is an evergreen training that can be used at the start of each year (or really any time) to identify your annual focuses, experiments, and habits to support your goals for the year.
December 2018 Training: 2018 End of Year Reflection
This training prompts you to go back and reflect on what did and didn’t work in the previous year.
November 2018 Training: Prioritizing Projects & Holiday Pressure
This training looks at the pressure that artists and makers are under during the holidays and helps you to release some of that pressure and determine which projects to focus on and which to let go.
October 2018 Training: Line Sheet Reviews
In this training, members received feedback on their wholesale line sheets.
September 2018 Training: Adding Emotion and Connection to your Photography
This training explores ways to go beyond basic product photography to create images of your art and products that connect and resonate with customers.
September 2018 Training: Writing with Emotion and Story Work Session
This training focuses on how to add story to your product descriptions and website copy.
August 2018 Training: Growing your Email List
This training focuses on strategies for growing your email list. (That are specifically for artists and makers.)
July 2018 Training: Email Marketing Work Session: Drafting an Email to a Potential Store + Writing an Email to Your List
In this training, you’ll be guided through the process of writing an email to a prospective wholesale account and putting together an email in Mailchimp to send to your list.
June 2018 Training: Business Models to Support Your Art
This training guides you through different business models for creative businesses that help you maximize the amount of time you can spend making your art or craft.
May 2018 Training: Website Reviews + Tips
This training looks at members websites and gives feedback and tips for improvement.
In addition to the library of monthly trainings, membership in Artists & Profit Makers includes access to all of these other courses!
Try It & See: How to Get Sh*t Done While Overanalyzing Everything
Megan’s ebook and audiobook featuring the mindset shifts you need to help you become more productive in your creative business.
The 30 Day Blog Boost
The 30 Day Blog Boost features five video lessons with countless prompts to make blogging your art or products easy and effective!
Practical Pinning
Practical Pinning features five lessons that go into how Pinterest works and how to use it to promote your art or products!
Core & Explore
Creative (but Cohesive) Collection Design for Metalsmiths & Jewelers!
The Purpose of Profit
The Purpose of Profit is a PDF and audiobook to help you see why making more money is the key to creating your best work.
Pricing for Profit
Pricing for Profit is a series of videos and worksheets designed to help you price your work.
Marketing for Makers
Marketing for Makers includes 14 video lessons with exercises and worksheets to help you embrace the creative side of marketing your business.
The 60 Day Press Push
This was a class that I co-ran with Brigitte Lyons, and since the class is no longer available, she agreed to let me make some of the artist/maker specific lessons available here! Which means Artists & Profit Makers is now the only place you can access these lessons from The Press Push:
Gift Guide Pitch Lesson
Print Pitch Lesson
Studio Tour Pitch Lesson
Profile Pitch Lesson
Plus, you get access to the archive of over 30 monthly Q&A calls, new calls and trainings each month, and our private forum (NOT a Facebook group) where you can ask Megan questions directly and connect with other members!
Ready to get started?
All-access membership in Artists and Profit Makers is just $199 a month, and you can cancel your membership at any time. But when you join by May 22nd, you can save $60 off your first month!
Artists and Profit Makers isn’t some massive membership site where you never see the founder. It’s a hands-on group coaching program where I give everyone the attention they deserve! Click the button below to claim your spot!
Or save over $350 a year when you join at the annual price of $1999.
What people are saying…

“I hesitated over joining A&PM initially for financial reasons, but I’ve worked with Megan in the past and know her to be extremely experienced in business, with a deep understanding of what a product based business needs to thrive {which is very different from a service based business}, a wealth of tried and tested approaches, and a supportive tough love stance that galvanizes you into optimistic action – so in the end, as Megan would say herself, I had to ‘try it and see’! It’s turned out to be the best investment I’ve ever made in my business in terms of creating genuine, sustainable growth.“
–Tara Leaver, Artist