How to avoid overwhelm when building your store outreach list

One of my favorite things about selling to stores is that you can be proactive and reach out to them on your own. You don’t have to wait for stores to find you! And I especially love sending postcards. It gives stores an immediate visual impression of your work, and you don’t have to worry …

7 reasons why you think you’re not ready for Market Your Selfie

And why they’re all bullshit. I know I shouldn’t play favorites with my classes, but if you were to ask me honestly, I would have to say Market Your Selfie. It’s not just because it’s something I use so much in my own business. (Though I do.) It’s really because I’m consistently blown away by …

Two books that influenced my business strategy this year.

If you’ve been following me on Instagram over the past few months, you might have noticed some changes. (Or, you might not have, because freaking algorithms.) I am still technically making jewelry, but a lot of my time and energy right now is going into publishing books and related products specifically aimed at artists and …